Product Insight: Coil Dispenser™

Our first product insight introduced the TrimCutter™ followed by the MultiGauge™. Today, our product insight will focus on another key brake accessory, the Coil Dispenser™. What makes the Coil Dispenser™ great is that it saves you time and money by taking the trim coil,” From the box to the brake”, while minimizing the chance of damage. It also places the coil at a “working height”, reducing stress on your back and from bending over multiple times.

Why use this tool? Simply ask yourself how much of your coil is damaged by rolling it out on the jobsite (lawn or on boxes) or simply pulling it out of the box, then place a dollar amount on that damaged coil and if you had a way to avoid that damage, how fast would a Coil Dispenser™ pay for itself? Most contractors find that if they avoid damaging just a few rolls of coil, the Coil Dispenser™ has paid for itself.

How easy is it to use? Simply remove the center axle and load the coil from the box. (Note: Some coils have a 90-degree lead edge the manufacturer leaves in place after the manufacturing process. Simply trim this lead edge out with a utility knife). Next, Insert the center axle into the coil and secure with the spring-loaded Roller arm. Feed the lead edge of the coil between the F Bar and Base and into your brake. Once sufficient coil is fed, measure and mark the cross-cut point. Mount the Multi Gauges™ on the F Bar and align the TrimCutter™ cut point to your measurement marks. Load the TrimCutter™ and cross cut the coil.

The Coil Dispenser™ can help effectively load trim coil into your brake for processing and minimize any chance of damage. For more information about our Coil Dispenser™ or any of our other brake accessories, visit our website Follow us on our social media for more information and blog posts.