Employee Focus: Eric Coleman


Well, here we are, already almost at the end of the 2nd quarter of 2024 and we’re only now finding the time to get to know Eric Coleman, after a busy start to the year. Eric is one of our in-house machinists who is coming up on his 2nd anniversary this October.  One of Eric’s primary responsibilities is finish machining of the Metal Master castings, which he accomplishes using a 3 axis CNC for a precision bore. When asked about his time at Van Mark, Eric tells us that he really likes the environment here, “Everyone gets along pretty well so, that makes for good days”.  Eric also shared that he isn’t sure what the future holds for him but, he does have his eyes on moving up and taking on more responsibility here at Van Mark.  “Machining has always been an interest to me, and I enjoy it, but I do like some variety as well”.

Eric went on to say “It’s good to see we have a solid customer base. I take pride in seeing the company succeed and I feel that’s due to so many employees who really care about the work they do here”.  Eric shared a lighthearted story about how he is commonly mistaken for not being very friendly and people are surprised to find that he’s actually a really nice guy! “I think most people get the wrong idea based on my appearance and because I’m a big guy”.   We would agree with Eric on this one, he is a really nice guy! 

The old idiom fits perfectly: Never judge a book by its cover.

Eric said that if he could give his younger self any advice, it would be to do a better job of saving money and to start planning for the future as soon as possible.  “I look back and wish I hadn’t waited until my thirties to start doing these things”. 

When Eric isn’t at work, he enjoys doing just about anything outdoors.  His family travels often and loves to go camping, fishing, kayaking and hiking.  “We really enjoy family time”.  Eric grew up in the Fenton area and currently resides in South Lyon.  Shared with his wife Heather, their family is made up of 8 children and an American bulldog named Kane. With their youngest kiddo starting her senior year this fall.

Keep an eye out for another employee focus in the coming months and in the meanwhile be sure to follow us on social media for news, tips, and product information.

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